Tuesday, February 14, 2012

575 Books

So, the other day I was searching the webs for books I should read and review, and I came across this list: http://www.goodreads.com/list/show/1816.Best_Teen_Girl_Books. I decided I should make a goal for my blog, to eventually read and review every book on this list. Sure, that's a heck of a lotta books, but oh well, it gives me a guideline as to what to read and will hopefully motivate me to read as much as I can! I may not read them in the order they are listed, but I will read them all. One day :P Some of them I will be rereading, because I have read a few of them before. Also, because there are series on the list, I will only review up to three books from one series. I am not reading and reviewing 12 book series, no way. But I will read and review a quarter of a 12 book series! Or trilogies or whatever. Just no more than three books from one series.
That's the game plan, girls and boys. :)


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