Review Structure & Policy

Review Policy:
I will add to this, but for now, this is my basic policy when it comes to writing reviews.
  1. All reviews will be strictly my opinion based and only influenced on the book itself and whether or not I enjoyed reading it.
  2. I will not change my reviews even if my views on the book has changed. My first impression will remain my first impression.
  3. If I am re-reading a book, I will ignore my past experiences relating to the book and write about the most recent time I read it.
  4. The order in which I received the book, whether I bought, borrowed or was given the book as a gift will not influence my reviews.
  5. I will not compare the book in review to other books by different authors, but possibly to ones by the same author.
  6. As of now, I am only thoroughly reviewing books of my own choosing, but in the future, I will review suggested books. However, if I do receive a suggested read, and I enjoyed it enough, I may do a very quick review on my blog.
  7. I will be honest with my opinion, but write with consideration, tact and respect in my blog posts.
Rating Structure:
*Quick note*  I am a fairly optimistic person, and I am not sure if it will reflect in my reviews. I may seem to have more positive reviews than other book bloggers, I don't know. I tend to shy away from outright insulting or shunning a book/author, or anyone, and this may be noticeable. I am just starting out with reviewing, so as I grow as a blogger/reviewer, my style may change and I may be more outright about all of my opinions or create harsher reviews. Remember, everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and if you don't agree with mine, that is fine. Just be respectful about it!

When I am reviewing and rating a book, I want it to be very obvious right away when it comes to whether or not I liked the book. In order for this to happen, I will start all of my reviews out with a rating out of 5 stars.
  • 5 stars: I absolutely enjoyed this book and will adding it to my list of favorite books. A definite page turner that I could put not put down. Recommended for you to read!
  • 4 stars: Great book,  recommended reading. Definitely worth the time to read. 
  • 3 stars: This book was just OK. Probably, I was on the fence as to whether or not I liked it. Didn't quite meet my expectations.
  • 2 stars: Had to force myself to finish this book. Probably was unable to get into the story, which is a big turn off for me. Fell very short of expectations.
  • 1 star: Could not make it through this book. Really did not enjoy it at all, would not recommend spending the time it takes to read it.  Elements of Review:
*I like to keep my reviews short...though I probably won't succeed!*

1. First I will generally give my book its overall rating, out of five stars. I may write a quick message that I think you should know under that, maybe not.
2. Next, I will find a synopsis of the book, and write it out on my page with a link from where I have quoted it from, which will usually be the authors website.
3. Image of book cover will most likely come next.
4. General: This will be a quick little note on the book, maybe what my first impression was, or something about the book that really surprised me, whatever comes to mind that I feel I should share.
5. Characters: A quick little description on the main characters, or characters that I really liked.
6. Plot: Once again, a quick little description on the plot. Usually I will focus on whether it was too fast or too slow, and if there was enough action to keep my attention.
7. Writing Style: What point of view was the book from, and did I like the way the sentences/phrasing sounded?
8. Re-readable: Can I see myself reading this again?
9. Intended audience:  Here I will about whether or not I personally think the audience is for younger or older "young adults" and if I think it would suit guys, girls or both.
10. Genre: Self explanatory; what genre is the book? Paranormal? Adventure? Romance?

11. I Liked: This part I have a hard time with. I mentally review the book in my head and pick out one feature that I enjoyed in the book.

12.  I Disliked:  Same as the "I Liked" section, but I will pick something that I did not like or that I thought could be tweaked and improved.

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