About the Overindulger

So, hi! I have finally decided to get started on my little bio here.
   My name is Jenn, or JC, whichever. I am a teenager living in a small town in Canada, and I love books, writing, animals, horseback riding, softball, synchronized skating and plenty of other wonderful things, like sunshine and my beautiful family.
    I think my love for reading started when I was three or four, and had memorized the story "Green  Eggs and Ham" by Dr. Suess because I had made my parents read it to me countless times. Since then, I have been gobbling up stories left and right. English has always been my best subject at school as well.
   Besides being a book nerd, I enjoy caring for my two dogs, my cat and my horse. I live in town, and board my horse at a local barn and visit him to ride and care for him as often as I can! For those of you who know a bit about horses, I ride English (h/j, english pleasure, dressage, cross country, you name it), on my older Half Arab gelding named Imp! I also play softball (pitcher and short stop), skate on my local synchronized skating team (at Juvenile level, though we are moving up to Pre Nov next year), and take part in the local Pony Club. All the while, I do my best at taking care of myself, and enjoying life to the fullest. An interesting fact, I guess you could say, about me is that in the summer of 2010, I was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes. I had to stay at a Children's Hospital that was 3 hours from home for five days. I returned home, armed with new knowledge to fight a new battle in my life, but within 12 hours, I was back at the same hospital because I had had two seizures. Then I was diagnosed with epilepsy and had to stay at the hospital for five more days. As far as my doctors and I know, I will have both of these medical conditions for the rest of my life. If you have any questions about either conditions or my experiences with them, please ask! I like people to be well informed, because there are many misconceptions about these conditions out there.
    I think I am generally a pretty nice person, and so far I don't have any enemies to say otherwise! I don't like conflict, I try to be considerate, and I am getting better each day at standing up for what I believe in. 


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